April 08, 2007

General Questions

Questions on any other topic - but preferably mee.nu related - go here.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 12:42 PM | Comments (133) | Add Comment
Post contains 15 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Can we edit the blogroll? And if so, what option is it under?

Posted by: Jason at April 10, 2007 03:47 AM (kLDUz)

2 Never mind, figured it out.

Posted by: Jason at April 10, 2007 03:51 AM (kLDUz)

3 Yep, just edit the Include.Blogroll template.  It's pretty basic, but works.

We'll be adding a fancier blogroll management system later on, but you'll be able to import your existing blogroll, so feel free to play around.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 04:30 AM (PiXy!)

4 Is it possible for us to remove (or, preferably, reformat) the performance stats at the bottom of the page?  I realize that it's probably there temporarily for debugging, but I thought I'd ask.

(This is my third attempt to post this)

Posted by: DaveS at April 10, 2007 05:10 PM (kC3nL)

5 Yes, it's there temporarily for debugging.  Look for the [magic.stats] tag near the bottom of the template.

And yeah, comments seem to have gone wonky all of a sudden.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 05:42 PM (PiXy!)

6 Just checking on the comment posting issue.  Test #1...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 05:51 PM (PiXy!)

7 Just checking on the comment posting issue.  Test #2...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 05:51 PM (PiXy!)

8 Hmm.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 05:52 PM (PiXy!)


hmm, indeed.

Where'd my question go?

Posted by: mesablue at April 10, 2007 07:07 PM (DzeyU)


It doesn't like my wordpress address in the Web box.

Love the post editor.

Do you know of a resource for stylesheet templates?  Wordpress gave us a bunch of easy tamplates so I haven't played with CSS.

Also, is Java Script allowed?


Posted by: mesablue at April 10, 2007 07:10 PM (DzeyU)

hmm, indeed.

Where'd my question go?

Sorry, we were having a problem with the comments just in these sections on the main site.  All fixed now.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 07:23 PM (PiXy!)

It doesn't like my wordpress address in the Web box.
That's odd.  What message does it give you?  It doesn't look like Wordpress is banned.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 07:25 PM (PiXy!)

Do you know of a resource for stylesheet templates?  Wordpress gave us a bunch of easy tamplates so I haven't played with CSS.
I don't really have anything yet.  I'm going to work up some examples so that people can see how to do it, and then maybe users will contribute some oftheir own efforts.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 07:26 PM (PiXy!)

Also, is Java Script allowed?
On paid accounts - and the beta accounts are treated as paid accounts - you can use JavaScript.  Free (ad-supported) accounts will be more restricted.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 07:27 PM (PiXy!)


No message,  the page refreshes and the comment  is just gone. 

Unlike at AoS where I  get a "Wordpress.com is banned" message.

Posted by: mesablue at April 10, 2007 07:35 PM (DzeyU)

16 Is it still happening?  There was a different problem that was causing that exact result, which I've just fixed.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 07:51 PM (PiXy!)

17 I'm sure this is just something I'm missing, but is it possible to edit the .css file directly rather than having to over ride its settings via the td tags?

Posted by: Running From the Past at April 10, 2007 08:22 PM (P6dp7)

18 Yes, I've started on documenting how to do that here.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 08:31 PM (PiXy!)

19 I'm looking at the "category" section in the folders, and I want to ask, is this the same kind of category that other blogs usually use to separate different posting topics?

Posted by: mAcChaos at April 10, 2007 09:49 PM (q6TZP)

20 Yep, that's it exactly.  The folder system is a general way of organising posts (and other items) into groups for any purpose - including categories.

I don't have a dedicated screen yet for creating new categories, but take a look at the example one and copy that for your other categories and you won't go too far wrong.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 09:59 PM (PiXy!)


Well speaking of categories.

I've already created an "anime" category, but before I did, I wrote a couple posts that were unassigned. When I moved them into the anime folder/category, they list as part of that category (and show up as such on the main page (after a bit of fiddling with the template)), but if you filter for only posts in the anime category, they aren't listed.

I have three posts on the main page in the anime category, but if you click through to the anime category, only the post that was created after the category appears.

Posted by: Will at April 10, 2007 10:07 PM (SOx9v)

22 Where on the main page do the categories appear?

Posted by: mAcChaos at April 10, 2007 10:14 PM (q6TZP)

23 Will - I'll test that out and get back to you

mAcChaos - They aren't listed by default, but I'll post some examples of that shortly.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 10:18 PM (PiXy!)


They don't in the default template.

First you have to create the category.

1) Go to your edit page and under "manage" click "folders".

2) A page titled "Edit Folder" will appear. In the "type" field type "Category". In the "name" field, give the category a name. Finally, in the "path" field, you'll like want to use the same name you used for name (but I'd avoid the use of anything other than number or letters)

3) Click save.

That's the bare-bones basics (as I understand it after fiddling around a bit) of creating a category. You can edit any of those properties later.

Posted by: Will at April 10, 2007 10:26 PM (SOx9v)

25 If you want to list the categories, rather than create new ones, some template code for that is as follows:

<li><a href="/[category.path]">[category.name]</a></li>

The [categories] tag selects all your folders of type "Category".  The name is, well, the name you gave it, and the path is the path.  So that code will create a nice little list of clickable links to your category pages.

You can see it at work in my sidebar.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 11:12 PM (PiXy!)


That's just the tag I was looking for.

I was dreading the idea of manually editing the sidebar template everytime I added a new category.

Posted by: Will at April 10, 2007 11:22 PM (SOx9v)

27 Yay!

There are a huge number of tags available, and I really need to sit down and document them all.  If I document three or four each day, I'll be done... by the end of next year.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 11:25 PM (PiXy!)


I was going about displaying them in the sidebar an entirely different way. I'd already created an Includes template with a manually written list of the categories I wanted to appear, similar to how the blogroll is treated. Then I just ahem... included that in the sidebar template.

Is there going to be an option for listing a post in multiple categories? Maybe that's already possible, but I'm just not seeing it.

Posted by: Will at April 10, 2007 11:33 PM (SOx9v)

29 Yes, if you use the "Copy To" option in the Posts (listing) screen, that should do the trick.  I'm going to add that functionality to the post edit screen as well.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 11:50 PM (PiXy!)

30 For what it is worth, putting a pre-existing post into a new category worked fine for me.

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 01:32 AM (YsCnY)

I made my Category tags for my posts clickable using this code

<a href="[post.category]"><img src="/icons/folder_[post.category].gif"
         align="left" height="48" width="48"
         border="0" alt="[post.category]" title="[post.category]" /></a>

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 02:14 AM (YsCnY)

32 And then I took out the height and width because it was moving the titles of some of my other posts.

QUESTION: How can I edit the image that shows up in the browser address bar/bookmark page? Right now it is a rose.

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 02:54 AM (YsCnY)

33 nm, made a favicon and added it to my Header template!

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 03:32 AM (YsCnY)

34 It's actually a cherry, because mee.nu is built on the CherryPy web framework but at 16x16 pixels it's hard to tell.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 03:45 AM (PiXy!)


ABWTF: did you use the "move to" or "copy to"? My problem is that I write a post, then realize I don't have a category for it. I save and publish the post, then create the category. If I then try to move the post into the new category, Minx appears to register the move. The category link I've placed in the post footer shows up, and in the post management page, it clearly shows it being in the right category.


If you click on the Category link in the post footer, only posts that have been published to that category from the beginning will appear in the filtered list. I'm going to go try the "copy to" and see what that borks.

Posted by: Will at April 11, 2007 05:46 AM (olS40)


Well, "copy to" (it's actually "add to") didn't work either. I'm really stumped on this one.

However I did find a workaround for the wonky status pulldown in the post composition page(at least until Pixy fixes it). If you go to the post list, there is a publish function in one of the lower pulldowns. I did not see that before for some odd reason.

Posted by: Will at April 11, 2007 05:54 AM (olS40)

37 I'll definitely get the publish pulldown fixed today.  Then I'll tackle the problems you're having with categories; that should work.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 07:49 AM (PiXy!)


WILL: I don't recall how I did it but I didn't use Move or Copy. I think I simply used Edit to put the post in the category. So perhaps it was really more of a workaround to a bug you found.

QUESTION: What is the Pending category? Would it by any chance be a step up from Draft where I can see it as it would appear on the blog and so I can make changes before doing an edit?

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 07:07 PM (FJ/ua)


Is the Search feature supposed to work or not yet active?

Also for the record even if you can't do anything about it, I've found a few bugs with the Post editor, for example I saved some text for a Post header so I didn't have to recreate it each time but posting it in adds a few items and changes a few <'s into something like &#%. Also I find if I change font sizes of text the </span> doesn't always seem to go in the correct place.

Posted by: abwtf at April 12, 2007 12:56 AM (FJ/ua)

40 Why is my blog okay in internet explorer but sucky in firefox?

Posted by: sdrake at April 12, 2007 01:46 AM (LCuJO)

Is the Search feature supposed to work or not yet active?
It's definitely supposed to work, and it works just fine on my blog, and it doesn't work for anyone else, which is quite annoying!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 02:00 AM (PiXy!)

Why is my blog okay in internet explorer but sucky in firefox?
Well, the main reason for that sort of thing is that Internet Explorer doesn't work right, but that doesn't help you much.

Which blog is yours?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 02:01 AM (PiXy!)

43 Never mind, found it!

The blue text is because you forgot to close the <font> tag in your banner.  IE is automatically closing it; Firefox isn't.  I'm not sure which behaviour is technically correct in this case...

Hope that helps a bit more than my previous comment.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 02:58 AM (PiXy!)

44 I seem to have misplaced the code for 'Next Page' so currently I have mine set to show 15 most recent giving me posts 10-24 but no link to get the older 1-9.

Posted by: abwtf at April 15, 2007 06:11 PM (YsCnY)

45 You want [magic.pager]

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 15, 2007 07:58 PM (PiXy!)

46 Nice looking site, too.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 15, 2007 07:58 PM (PiXy!)

47 Thanks! You've made it easy

Posted by: abwtf at April 17, 2007 01:32 AM (YsCnY)


Laughable newbie question:

I have a domain name at godaddy.com. I have their Domain Control Center up on my screen and want to put my mee.nu site in the Nameserver box.

My goal is for people to get from my domain name (rittenhouse.net) to the mee.nu site (rittenhouse.mee.nu).

What do I enter in the Nameserver box?

Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at April 17, 2007 01:43 AM (y0AcQ)

49 Not a newbie question!  A very good question!

The problem is, we don't fully support that yet.  Probably by early May.

Right now, I think you could use Godaddy's forwarding to redirect rittenhouse.net to rittenhouse.mee.nu.  I'm doing that with one of my domains, but I haven't tried setting it up with Godaddy.

Once it is fully supported, you'll be able to add an alternate site in your control panel here so that rittenhouse.net links to rittenhouse.mee.nu.  Then at Godaddy, you'll set it up so that they host your DNS, and set rittenhouse.net as a CNAME for rittenhouse.mee.nu.  Just don't try this right now.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 02:21 AM (PiXy!)

50 Okay I did a post on list of shooting at US schools and Digg-ed myself. But it turned out to do the whole site http://abw.mee.nu instead of the post if wanted http://abw.mee.nu/27

Looking back now this is code they give for 'page other than current'

<script type="text/javascript">
digg_url = 'WEBSITE_URL';
<script src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

So for Website_url I should have done [post.id] or or [post.path] or what? And that would automatically substitute individual post urls, or would I have to do each of these individually and manually set them up?

(btw everyone feel free to Digg my post higher!)

Posted by: abwtf at April 17, 2007 10:14 AM (YsCnY)


Re: 49

Thanks, Pixy. With your guidance I was able to find the correct instructions at godaddy. http://help.godaddy.com/article.php?article_id=422

Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at April 17, 2007 11:04 AM (QIt41)

Thanks, Pixy. With your guidance I was able to find the correct instructions at godaddy.
Cool.  I should start rounding up links to instructions for the various registrars.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 11:37 AM (PiXy!)

So for Website_url I should have done [post.id] or or [post.path] or what? And that would automatically substitute individual post urls, or would I have to do each of these individually and manually set them up?
Hmm. I clicked on the Digg link and it came up with the right URL.  I didn't go through with Digging it though.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 11:39 AM (PiXy!)

54 smilies.mu.nu

Neither IE nor Mozilla can find it?

Posted by: erp at April 17, 2007 01:16 PM (9oHan)

55 That should be smilies.mee.nu.  Where did I get the link wrong?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 01:44 PM (PiXy!)

56 I must have copied the address incorrectly.  


worked just fine.  Thanks again.

Posted by: erp at April 17, 2007 04:03 PM (9oHan)

57 Okay, no problem.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 05:00 PM (PiXy!)

58 re: Digg - I went ahead and changed it manually to be for that individual post but it's a bit of a hassle. Looking at Hot Air and LGF, I now suspect it has to be done for each post which is a shame because it's annoying to put in.

Using Firefox I cannot edit a post after I've saved it with the Digg code. When I try to reopen it gets caught in a loop (I gave it over a minute, perhaps eventually the text would fill in) so I have to go to IE, but there when I put in the code it does something with the code and I often get 3 or 5 Digg buttons and I have to re-edit the post 3 or 4 times to get just 1 Digg button in the center.

Some of that may be user error and learning curve of course. It's a low priority issue for me (ie, multiple categories for posts ranks much higher) but take a look at it some time or maybe ask around.

And you didn't go through with the Digg? Booooooooooooo!

Posted by: abwtf at April 17, 2007 06:56 PM (YsCnY)

59 Banners wont show up in firefox, and I can't edit a post in it either... Is it a problem on my end?

Posted by: Mookie at April 17, 2007 11:47 PM (qfk0K)

60 I use Firefox as my main browser, so it's not a universal problem.  And I can see your banner okay.

Hmm.  What version of Firefox?  Since Firefox automatically updates itself, that shouldn't be an issue, but it's worth checking. I'm running

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 12:18 AM (PiXy!)


Mr. Misa, I'm ready for my close-up.

I.e., to be listed as a "new blog."


Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at April 18, 2007 01:01 AM (2vChP)

62 The new blog list is automatic - it shows the last ten blogs created.  You've already scrolled of the list.

But you are on the site list.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 01:07 AM (PiXy!)


Hmm. Sorry to differ, but I clicked through eight pages of the site list and didn't find myself.


Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at April 18, 2007 01:25 AM (2vChP)


Oop, there it is, under "Welcome to Rittenhouse." Sorry!

Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at April 18, 2007 01:28 AM (2vChP)

65 I'm on the same version of FF.
Hm, if its just a me-problem no worries cause eh.
Thanks Pixy!

Posted by: Mookie at April 18, 2007 03:10 AM (qfk0K)

66 found the problem... My adblocker was being a bit to aggressive with the banners.

Posted by: Mookie at April 18, 2007 03:12 AM (qfk0K)

67 Aha!  Yes, anything called "banner" can cause problems with some of those filters.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 04:16 AM (PiXy!)

68 abwtf, thanks for the code here. Just the answer I was looking for!

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 18, 2007 04:26 AM (vUSHi)

69 (Ahem) However, it's suffering from the same naming restrictions I'm having with my category icons. When Pixy gets the new tag working, you'll probably want th change the code to:
<a href="/[post.category.nospace]"><img src="/icons/folder_[post.category.nospace].gif" align="left" height="48" width="48" border="0" alt="[post.category]" title="[post.category]" /></a>

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 18, 2007 04:36 AM (vUSHi)

70 fwiw, on the issue of categories another behavior to note, I published a few posts to one category (general) then created a new category (politics) and changed a few posts to that category. Although they work with the new category, if I go to the original category the old posts still show up there as well.

Posted by: abwtf at April 18, 2007 05:46 AM (YsCnY)

Although they work with the new category, if I go to the original category the old posts still show up there as well.
If you select the posts in the listing screen, you can use the Remove From option to take them out of the old category. The Move To function does what you wanted to do in the first place.

I'll be adding that functionality to the post editing screen as well, but it's slightly harder because it needs to be AJAX to work well.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 07:21 AM (PiXy!)

72 I have a better solution for the category icons thingy: I've added a nospace formatting command. So you can have [post.category format=nospace] and it will do what [post.category.nospace] was supposed to do.  The advantage is that you can use format=nospace on any text tag.

This is in place and working now.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 09:06 AM (PiXy!)

73 See this post for details of all formatting options.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 09:45 AM (PiXy!)

74 Hey, that's neat. Nice, extendable solution. (Runs off to change his template.)

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 18, 2007 03:56 PM (KyCzn)

75 'Ray! It worked! Now I have to get back to finishing my other category icons!

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 18, 2007 04:06 PM (KyCzn)

76 Okay my favicon (little picture in the address bar that comes before the URL) is now a leaf. I didn't change it or do anything. I try to delete that file and re-upload the correct one (matching the banner image) it remains a leaf.

I had a friend look at the blog and she did not get the leaf but that may be cached info somewhere. Any ideas?

Posted by: abwtf at April 19, 2007 02:51 AM (YsCnY)

77 Ya, my favicon is changed now, too.  Where's my F-?

Posted by: McGurk at April 19, 2007 02:55 AM (8GzzQ)

78 I just noticed it's the mee.nu favicon so I guess that is overriding some how.

Posted by: abwtf at April 19, 2007 03:29 AM (YsCnY)

79 Well, that's weird.  McGurk, I'm seeing your F- okay, but I do see the leaf on abwtf.  Um.  I'll give it a kick.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 19, 2007 04:07 AM (PiXy!)

80 Right.  I still had the leaf in the default images directory, which should be checked after your personal directory, but was being checked first...  It may take a while for your browser to recognise that it's gone; I had to manually load the favicon.ico file itself to get Firefox to do it.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 19, 2007 04:10 AM (PiXy!)

81 I can't seem to figure out how to edit a draft that I have not yet published...is this possible or am I not looking in the right place?

Posted by: MidnightsBrokenToe at April 19, 2007 06:44 AM (0c82z)

82 Oh...I think I figured it out. I need to publish the draft first if I want to edit it, yes?

Posted by: MidnightsBrokenToe at April 19, 2007 06:47 AM (0c82z)

83 No...  At least, you shouldn't need to do that.

Let me just make sure that's working properly.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 19, 2007 09:35 AM (PiXy!)

84 Oops. ops: 

Okay, no wonder it was hard to work out!  I'll fix that right away.  (I made some changes to the way post statuses are handled a couple of days ago, and it looks like I missed that function.)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 19, 2007 09:37 AM (PiXy!)

85 Okay, fixed now.  Thanks!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 19, 2007 10:00 AM (PiXy!)

86 Ahhhhh! The leaf favicon is back!

Posted by: abwtf at April 20, 2007 12:01 AM (FJ/ua)

87 Unpossible!

I'll take a look.  It might just be your browser cache going above and beyond...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 20, 2007 12:13 AM (PiXy!)

88 More weirdness. I made my blog a bit wider and then realized the banner jpg had to be adjusted. So I try and upload the new version and from somewhere the original is still being found. I clear my cache and the banner doesn't change. I delete the file from my image folder and clear my cache and the banner is still there.

(Easy way to spot the difference is there's a small bar of black under the picture in the original banner and in the new one there is no black under the space pic.)

Posted by: abwtf at April 20, 2007 01:01 AM (FJ/ua)

89 It's not supposed to do that!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 20, 2007 02:48 AM (PiXy!)

90 Okay I'll say the banner issue was something in the browser cache not clearing. I was able to work it to an acceptable resolution.

btw, it looks like the image links are case sensitive so <a href="abc.jpg"> won't find abc.JPG for example. Is that normal?

Posted by: abwtf at April 20, 2007 03:54 AM (YsCnY)

it looks like the image links are case sensitive so <a href="abc.jpg"> won't find abc.JPG for example. Is that normal?
It depends on the web server, but it's pretty normal for filenames to be case-sensitive.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 20, 2007 04:03 AM (PiXy!)

92 I got blog comment spam! Should I just delete it or do you want to do any sort of investigation on it to figure out how to block it? Is banning users/IPs something we can do? And how long before there is anything like a verification or login process for comments?

Posted by: abwtf at April 20, 2007 04:30 PM (YsCnY)

I got blog comment spam!
Doesn't take them long, does it?
Should I just delete it or do you want to do any sort of investigation on it to figure out how to block it?
Mark it as junk for now; that way I can look at it and block the sender.
Is banning users/IPs something we can do?
You'll be able to ban users (that should arrive next week), but of course that will only be effective once registration is required for commenting.
And how long before there is anything like a verification or login process for comments?
I can't require logins for commenting just yet, because I'm only allowing registration by beta testers, but once we open up, that will be how it works.  Say, three weeks at most.

I have two different spam filters in place, one based on the comment text and another that tries to detect a spambot by its behaviour.  The second filter actually auto-bans IPs and websites, and it's pretty effective.  I'll be putting in an updated version of comment-text filter this weekend to try to improve that one as well.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 20, 2007 05:45 PM (PiXy!)

94 When I use this code: Categories [categories] [category.name] [/categories] It only lists the categories on the first page; any category from the second page on is left off.

Posted by: mAc Chaos at April 20, 2007 07:28 PM (q6TZP)

95 Oops.  There's the pager bug again.  When it sees you're on page two it's trying to display the second page of categories as well.  And unless you have more than 20 or so categories, there is no second page.

I have a fix for that; I'll put it into tomorrow's update.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 20, 2007 08:25 PM (PiXy!)

96 In your opinion, which are some of the best-looking blogs currently up here at mee.nu?

Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at April 26, 2007 11:24 AM (R+GWU)

97 Who, me?  (Hides under table.)

I think people are still feeling their way towards customising the basic style and templates.  The documentation shortage doesn't help, but there are some interesting things going on.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 26, 2007 11:30 AM (PiXy!)

98 Question about page behavior.

Is the "more" link supposed to take you to the individual post page, or is it supposed to expand the text right there, as the "comments" link does. Seems to me I remember it opening in place, but (for me) today it doesn't. (JavaScript enabled, just checked.)

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 28, 2007 09:04 PM (GLhvz)

99 With the standard templates, it takes you to the individual page.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 29, 2007 03:40 AM (PiXy!)

100 Gotcha. Thanks!

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 29, 2007 06:54 PM (uKJ7j)

101 Here's a layout question, all are welcome to chime in. Please take a look at this post. Notice how the second image extends below (and screws up the "posted by" line. (The same thing happens on the main page.) Obviously, I'm bumping up against the limits of HTML as layout!
>So how to fix it? The only thing I can think of is to add another<
em> image, say 1px high by 500px wide, to force the "posted by" text past the bottom of the second image. Any other ideas?

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 29, 2007 09:48 PM (oHrKR)

102 Dang, really miss that preview.

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 29, 2007 09:50 PM (oHrKR)

103 And now I've let the italics out!

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 29, 2007 09:50 PM (oHrKR)

104 Dang.  You shouldn't be able to let the italics out!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 30, 2007 12:39 AM (PiXy!)

105 I think I know how the italics escaped; I'll add it to my bug tracker.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 30, 2007 12:44 AM (PiXy!)

106 Are we not able to edit comments?

Also unless I missed something <blockquote>some html</blockquote> doesn't <b>work</b> in <i>comments</i>.

Posted by: abwtf at May 17, 2007 07:15 AM (X8tpE)

Are we not able to edit comments?
Not yet - I'll see if I can include that in the next update (this Sunday).

Also unless I missed something <blockquote>some html</blockquote> doesn't <b>work</b> in <i>comments</i>.
You can't enter HTML directly into the WYSIWYG editor.  You can use the HTML editor (click on the <> button) if you want to do that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at May 17, 2007 08:09 AM (PiXy!)

108 Very nice blog site, and thanks for the free trial!

Two small glitches in the box displaying the tagline:
1. Descenders get cut off. That is, no tail on gees, jays, ques, commas, etc.
2.Also, there's a length limit, beyond which text simply disappears. If you try to save space by removing spaces after periods and commas, the entire string disappears. Way low on the priority list, but I'd like the editor to block typing when the limit is reached.

Posted by: refugee at June 15, 2007 05:10 PM (ya+0h)

1. Descenders get cut off. That is, no tail on gees, jays, ques, commas, etc.
Yes, this is a known problem that depends on what browser you're running, your font selection, your default font size...  I'm meeting with our new graphic designer on Monday to work on issues like this.  We'll be producing a new set of themes/styles for your blog, and we'll fix this in the process.
Also, there's a length limit, beyond which text simply disappears. If you try to save space by removing spaces after periods and commas, the entire string disappears.
Um...  That's odd, it shouldn't do that.  What browser are you using?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 15, 2007 05:19 PM (PiXy!)

110 Echoing refugee's problem.  I'm running Firefox

Posted by: Doug Oosting at June 15, 2007 06:54 PM (eYKMM)

111 Like Doug Ousting, I'm using Firefox

My current tagline reads, "Descenders cut off: gjpq,(gee,jay,pee,que,comma).  Plus, here's some extra text to get truncated." I didn't put in any line breaks.

Viewing with  IE 7.0.5730.11, descenders appear, but the second sentence wraps to the next line and only the top line of pixels appears.

In FF, the second line does not appear at all.

And thanks for the quick response.

Posted by: refugee at June 15, 2007 07:25 PM (ya+0h)

112 Oh, I forgot to say, I'm using default fonts and sizes. And for "top line of pixels" read "top row of pixels on the second line of text."

Posted by: refugee at June 15, 2007 07:30 PM (ya+0h)

113 Here's a minor, minor buglet: the 'more/over-the-fold' feature does not play well with untitled posts.

I created a new post with some text in the "more" section. I forgot to enter a title. The result was that my main page showed the first part of the text plus a "more ..." hyperlink pointing to "http://borders.mee.nu/#more". I've since added a title and the "more ..." hyperlink now works.

Related wishlist item: could we have a "warn me if I try to post without supplying a title" setting?

Posted by: Chris Chittleborough at June 20, 2007 12:18 PM (wJUcE)

114 Ah, good catch.  There are a couple of problems relating to untitled posts, but I hadn't thought of that one.

The system itself allows untitled posts, but the standard templates tend to trip up.  I'll have a think about the best way to tidy that up.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 20, 2007 03:23 PM (PiXy!)

115 Ok... So, I'm trying to figure this one out. How do we Ping or trackback to other blogs? I thought there may be a "URLs to Ping" option somewhere, but can't seem to find it. Thoughts?

Posted by: salvia at June 23, 2007 04:17 PM (ay9w9)

116 Sorry, we don't support trackbacks yet, either incoming or outgoing, due to the massive scale of trackback spam (about 99.8% of all trackbacks are spam).

We're working on this, though.  Expect an update next month.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 23, 2007 05:52 PM (PiXy!)

117 Thanks Pixy Misa!

Posted by: salvia at June 23, 2007 08:25 PM (h58on)


I need a little help.  I am trying to install a custom title header. Where/how do I insert my image link?    I am a republican retard so please talk slowly using small simple words.  Thank you.

Posted by: Dick at July 06, 2007 02:49 PM (Qrjpn)


You want the Include / Banner template.  You'll want to remove the whole "titlebox" div, and put your image in its place.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 06, 2007 03:10 PM (PiXy!)

120 I knew it would be be simple.  Thanks.

Posted by: Dick at July 06, 2007 03:45 PM (Qrjpn)

121 Well, I have a talent for screwing up even the simplest of tasks.  I didn't make a backup of the original banner template.  Is there a default banner template so that I can fix what I broke?

Posted by: Dick at July 06, 2007 04:27 PM (Qrjpn)

122 I've posted it here in the resources section.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 06, 2007 09:40 PM (PiXy!)

123 Is there a way to rename a site?

Posted by: mparker762 at July 21, 2007 04:19 AM (xg3L9)

124 You mean change the address?  Not just yet, but I can probably fit that into tomorrow's update.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 21, 2007 04:50 AM (PiXy!)

125 yep, the address.

Posted by: mparker762 at July 21, 2007 04:59 AM (xg3L9)

126 No problem.  I'll get that into tomorrow's update; then go to the Manage Site option.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 21, 2007 06:00 AM (PiXy!)

127 You should be able to change it now - the field is at the bottom of the site page.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 22, 2007 08:44 AM (PiXy!)

128 Thank you sir!

Posted by: mparker762 at July 22, 2007 03:31 PM (U05Pu)

129 Question for you all.

I see that there's a version of my template to have 3 columns. Question is, how do I get content to appear on the second column. I tried once and I screwed up royally.



Posted by: k8cpa at January 05, 2008 09:26 PM (PyW0p)

130 I hope this question goes here. How can I change the banner at the top with the title of my site, not only about the style but that it can say something different?

Posted by: Jaked at January 06, 2009 03:13 AM (9/9Mk)

131 I'm an idiot. You're doing this beautiful thing, and I knew that, but I didn't (for some reason) look over here to realize that new-mu-nu isn't MT based.

No, really. I just spent hours (days, weeks, months) updating the look and feel of the old MT site - fixing up the CSS and the templates.

Is there no way to port any of this over? Thanks.

I'm gonna go whack my head on the desk a little until I feel better. *sigh*

Posted by: Elizabeth at January 10, 2009 11:25 PM (DyeGv)

132 I am a new member here. I am from the US and am years old. I am here to share my experiences and gain from your expertise. I am from Jamaica and bad know English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "Email icon sign up to receive retirement and planning events email updates." Thank you so much for your future answers :-). Marli.

Posted by: Marli at August 14, 2009 04:59 PM (Zh9Nr)

133 Hi it's Buffon owner of DequalsS.com which is now in limbo.  I have been a proud long time member of the Moronosphere and wonder if you could help propagating my new site address to the other Morons.

New site, http://dequalss.blogspot.com/

Please advise....

Posted by: Buffoon at August 25, 2009 11:28 PM (xoyBD)

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