April 10, 2007

General Feedback

Not exactly a question, but want to give some feedback on one subject or another?  Post here!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:28 AM | Comments (56) | Add Comment
Post contains 19 words, total size 1 kb.


Regarding the hyperlink dialog box, the insert picture dialog box, and to a lesser extent the view edit source dialog box.  My biggest complaint is that it is easier to just type the raw html code than it is to figure out how to use them.......and it's a nuisance to disable my pop-up blocker.

Posted by: ElChupacabra at April 10, 2007 09:35 PM (Q5fOm)

2 I'll be providing the option to use a plain-text editor, and then an option to use alternative editors, but it will take a little time to set that up, so please bear with it for now.

The little <> widget opens an HTML editing window that you can use if that helps.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 09:54 PM (PiXy!)

3 Oh, and there's another alternative: Use BBcode.  Works in both posts and comments, and soon in templates as well.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 09:56 PM (PiXy!)

4 Is FTP available for uploading images and/or files? Is so, how about a primer?


Posted by: ChileDog at April 10, 2007 11:20 PM (YByCn)

5 Not at present.  Setting up FTP accounts for each user and keeping it all in sync with the rest of the system was too involved for the initial release, but we may be adding it later.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 11:23 PM (PiXy!)

6 I see that my "Tagline" under my blog name (and some other beta testers is cutoff - the portion of the letters that extend down). I assume this is a spacing issue in the "templates" but could not cipher just what needed to change. Can you give me a pointer to how to fix it?


Posted by: ChileDog at April 10, 2007 11:32 PM (YByCn)

7 That's actually a CSS problem.  I've been meaning to tweak the standard CSS to try to fix it.  It works just fine... if you have your fonts set up in a certain range of sizes on your browser.  Outside that range, not so good.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2007 11:52 PM (PiXy!)


If I understand the question, you need to edit the default .css file to give the #banner more height, save the file, upload it and then change your template to load the new .css

If that's wrong or I misunderstood, ignore me.

My question/suggestion about the link editor would be adding a line where we can enter the displayed text. As it is now I get something like  [href="http://link.com"]http://link.com and then I have to edit the text. I would like to get [href="http://link.com"]My text from the pop-up editor.

Posted by: abwtf at April 10, 2007 11:55 PM (FJ/ua)

If I understand the question, you need to edit the default .css file to give the #banner more height, save the file, upload it and then change your template to load the new .css
Thats correct.
My question/suggestion about the link editor would be adding a line where we can enter the displayed text.
I can look at doing that.  The easiest way to do it currently is to enter the text first, select it, and then add the link.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 12:10 AM (PiXy!)

10 GUI problems at 800x600:
select box arrow is cut off
hidden "Insert" and "Cancel" buttons
(Links have screenshots.)

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 11, 2007 02:09 AM (VUYEY)

11 Thanks - that's a bit funky.  I'll take a look at that.  It might have something to do with K-Meleon, but either way I should be able to fix it.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 03:47 AM (PiXy!)

12 Ran a test for post title collisions (the two posts below this one), and (1) the world didn't end, (2) nothing disappeared, (3) both individual post links (the ones under the timestamp) now appear to point to the most recent post. (1) and (2) are definitely wins. (3) makes sense, but could cause some confusion. IMO, not major enough to call a "bug," but FWIW...

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 11, 2007 03:32 PM (3y3+0)

13 Yeah, I'm going to tweak that a bit. It's a known issue, but not, as you say, a critical one.

I'll be addressing this in two ways: First, it will disambiguate posts by adding a _2, _3, and so on to duplicate entries.

Second, you'll be able to manually edit the URL (or at least, the last part of the URL) on the post screen.

That should be in place by the weekend.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 04:02 PM (PiXy!)

14 Where's the comment template?  [comments:here]?

Posted by: McGurk at April 12, 2007 02:42 PM (Ri74D)

15 It's in hiding for now - I need to make a couple of changes to it.  I'll post it later today or early tomorrow.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 02:59 PM (PiXy!)

16 Actually, it's a very minor change, so I'll post it in docs and update it tomorrow.

The change is that the [comment.iphash] tag will become [comment.ip.hash] in the updated release this weekend.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 03:15 PM (PiXy!)


[post.clean], which is used to show comment text in the sidebar, cleans out NSFW tags so all that NSFW goodness gets posted in its full glory right on the front page of ur blog.  See the example at the top of this post.

Posted by: McGurk at April 12, 2007 06:12 PM (Ri74D)

18 Tried to figure out how to create a new page that wasn't a category-style page that I'd use to do some other testing.  Created a new, minimal Page template and a new folder of type Site with a relative path (testpage) and set the page template to the new template.  The page comes up, but the template isn't being used.  Not sure exactly what's going on (kinda examining things and guessing as to how it goes together)...

Posted by: McGurk at April 12, 2007 06:32 PM (Ri74D)

[post.clean], which is used to show comment text in the sidebar, cleans out NSFW tags so all that NSFW goodness gets posted in its full glory right on the front page of ur blog.
It will also remove images, so for most purposes that won't be a problem.  It is a problem for spoilers, though.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 06:51 PM (PiXy!)

20 Anybody else in favor of an "attaboy" for the automatic layout adjustment? I've been trading off between machines, one at 800x600 and the other 1024x768. I've been loading my sidebar with images and finde it TREMENDOUSLY convenient that I didn't have to futz around with conditionals to accommodate different page resolutions.

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 12, 2007 07:45 PM (FZKGS)


Hey, just wanted to point out that I'm writing posts[/url/ on the [url=http://youredoingitwrong.mee.nu/favicons]blog software and different cool ways on how to customize it.  The link for all beta related posts is http://youredoingitwrong.mee.nu/betanonsense

I'd like to try and foster a little neighborhood good will here.  We've all got blogs that may or may not take off.  One of the things that helps blogs live is activity from readers.  So I've added a Locals blogroll to my front page and would like everybody (who give a shit) to do the same.  The first link in my comment is the link to that article.  If you check out my blog you'll see the locals on the right.

The goal is that by reading and posting on other peoples blogs, and letting our readers know about other interesting blogs at mee.nu, we can get us all some of that sweet, sweet reader lovin' that all white girls secretly crave.

In closing, I'd like to once again pimp my blog and make a covert appeal to Pixie to feature my blog prominently in as many places as possible.  Did I say that out loud?

Posted by: McGurk at April 12, 2007 11:56 PM (8GzzQ)

22 Ugh.  Post preview, pls.

Posted by: McGurk at April 13, 2007 12:00 AM (8GzzQ)

23 The [ magic.pager ] page control contains a &lt;center> tag in it that completely dicks with floating DIVs... Could you take that tag out, pretty please???  Thx.

Posted by: McGurk at April 13, 2007 05:46 PM (Ri74D)

24 This is odd.  This is also Ted, but I repeat myself.

Mookie logged in to Minx and now it will not let her log out.  So I cannot get to my site to edit, and any comments I make default to her name and info.

I did find the "log out" link at the bottom of my beta edit menu, and it worked great.  Ted got logged right out.  But Mookie didn't.  There needs to be a way to log out for people with mee.nu sites who share a PC.  Or maybe there is and I haven't found it.

Perhaps always leave the login boxes on the mee.nu main page, but add a message saying "hi, you are already logged in" using the 'you' tag above it if someone is already/still logged on..

Posted by: Mookie at April 15, 2007 11:11 AM (+OVgL)

25 That is weird.  But if you go to the standalone login page at http://mee.nu/login and log in again, it should toss your cookies and give you a new session.

I'll file it as a bug and see if I can replicate it. (174)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 15, 2007 11:17 AM (PiXy!)

26 Hmmm... Going to the mee.nu login page had no effect.  What I finally did was log in through beta.mu.nu and that did the trick.  I'm in the process of writing a "quick start" guide for newbies - obviously from the viewpoint of a noob - and I'm confusing myself with all these domain crossovers and connections.  LOL

Genuine newbies won't have to deal with that, so at this point I'm making things harder on myself than they have to be.

Posted by: Ted at April 15, 2007 01:21 PM (+OVgL)

27 Hmm.  Wonder why that happens... When both mee.nu and mu.nu are running live on Minx, the same thing could happen, so I'll take a look.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 15, 2007 03:45 PM (PiXy!)

28 [posts:here sort=updated] doesn't work.  Tried to use it to sort my front page posts by order of updated; that way I can easily bump posts back to the top by changing them...

Posted by: McGurk at April 16, 2007 03:37 AM (8GzzQ)

29 Sorry, you'll have to wait a little bit on the sorting options.  I'm trying to get them ready for today's update; if not, they'll be in tomorrow.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 05:07 AM (PiXy!)

30 Not today, I'm afraid, but that's number one for tomorrow unless something breaks suddenly.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 07:54 AM (PiXy!)


1) [post.text] surrounds text in a <P> tag (notice the capitol); should be <p> and </p> at the end (hey, I'm not a HTML nazi, but some people are)

2) RSS feeds fail.  Atom is working, but RSS isn't.  Templates for both would be greatly appreciated

3) Could you check my comment posting template?  Not sure which one it is-- the one I'm looking at right now as I write this comment.  Font size has been shot up to 125%, and I'm not exactly sure why.


Posted by: McGurk at April 16, 2007 06:14 PM (Ri74D)

32 Also, [comment.text.clean] has a bad line break at the end of it--<br> rather than </br>.

Posted by: McGurk at April 16, 2007 06:27 PM (Ri74D)

[post.text] surrounds text in a <P> tag (notice the capitol); should be <p> and </p> at the end (hey, I'm not a HTML nazi, but some people are)
Fair 'nough.  I'll fix that.
2) RSS feeds fail.  Atom is working, but RSS isn't.  Templates for both would be greatly appreciated
Hmm.  I noticed something funny there - Firefox wouldn't pick it up, even though the RSS feed validates fine. I'll take another look.

Soon as I have the problem fixed I'll post both on the resources page.
3) Could you check my comment posting template?  Not sure which one it is-- the one I'm looking at right now as I write this comment.  Font size has been shot up to 125%, and I'm not exactly sure why.
I'll take a look.
Also, [comment.text.clean] has a bad line break at the end of it--<br> rather than </br>.
Should be <br/>, you mean?  I'll fix that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 06:33 PM (PiXy!)

34 Oh, and the sorting options are working on the test system, so I'll be uploading them in the next update... about twelve hours from now.  Just enough time to get a little sleep first.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 06:35 PM (PiXy!)

2) RSS feeds fail.  Atom is working, but RSS isn't.  Templates for both would be greatly appreciated
Eep!  Okay, I've screwed something up here.  Let me see...  Right, it's selecting the wrong template.  Fixed!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 02:31 AM (PiXy!)

36 I just recategorized a bunch of posts from no category to having a category, and they don't show up when I view the category URL. Compare http://nelrob.mee.nu/general with http://nelrob.mee.nu/searches "general" should have about 7 posts.

Posted by: specious_reasons at April 18, 2007 06:52 PM (ZSAtj)

37 Hmm.  You went into each post and assigned it a category, right?  That should definitely work.  I'll take a look.  I'll also be adding a feature on the post edit page so that you can see all the categories a post is assigned to.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 08:54 PM (PiXy!)

38 I just tried your Search feature and got: 500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

(My main page has Technocrati's Search but if you click an individual post it goes to a different Sidebar that has the original Search)

Posted by: abwtf at April 18, 2007 11:35 PM (FJ/ua)

39 Whoops.  Fixed!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 11:55 PM (PiXy!)

40 For some reason the title cuts off my tagline on my site. Is there a way to expand the character limit or something else to fix it?

Posted by: mAc Chaos at April 21, 2007 01:10 AM (q6TZP)

41 That's basically an issue with the font size.  The way to make sure it shows exactly what you want is to replace the titlebox div in your banner template with an image.  Alternately, I could use absolute rather than relative sizes in the standard CSS...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 21, 2007 12:00 PM (PiXy!)

42 Pixy!

My friend created a site last night, vandevanland, with the screen name Dear Leader.

She never got a confirmation email, and the system is being stubborn about logging her on.  Can you fix it, or email her a new password?  Her email is vandevanderrb7620 -at- mbc -dot- edu

Thank you

Posted by: Mookie at April 28, 2007 10:11 PM (qfk0K)

43 This one is NOT a bug.

But Pixy (and anyone else who does web design) might find it amusing nonetheless.

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 29, 2007 09:33 PM (oHrKR)

44 Mookie - yep, I'll do that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 30, 2007 04:16 AM (PiXy!)


HEY!  Pix!

[comment.author.name] is blank when the author is either 1) the person logged in or 2) the blog owner (not sure which).  I used this little feature to highlight my comments, but its broke now. 

Can this be reverted to its original function, or is there another way I can identify the author of a comment as the owner of the blog?  Thizzanks!

Posted by: McGurk at May 03, 2007 02:42 PM (Ri74D)

46 That's very odd.  I'll get that fixed.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at May 03, 2007 11:48 PM (PiXy!)

47 Possible cache issue on sites page? (Screenshots here)

Symptom: First visited page 1, then page 2, possibly page 3. No problems noted. At page 4 (?), got bottom graphic in the wrong place as in shot 1. Hit "force reload" (which ignores cached files), page then rendered correctly, as in shot 2. Same problem with page 5.
Just now went to page 1 again, and this time it rendered as in shot 1, i.e., with the bottom screwed. Two different CSS files?

Posted by: Old Grouch at May 04, 2007 12:04 AM (KIX2L)

48 Call me an idiot, but I can`t seem to find the place in the template where I can update my blogroll.  I put them there, but can`t remember how I did it and am having no luck finding them.  Can you tell me what to do, Pixy?  I feel stupid having to ask, but have run out of ideas.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at June 10, 2007 02:20 PM (+OCMQ)

49 Hi Timothy!
Log in, then on your "EDIT" page click "TEMPLATES", then "BLOGROLL" (in my Templates lists it's the third item in the "Include" group). That will get you to an editing screen. Blogroll entries are standard hyperlinks. Don't forget to save (button below edit box) when you're done.

Posted by: Old Grouch at June 10, 2007 03:19 PM (3DQKu)

50 Thank you, Old Grouch! Let me give it a try.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at June 10, 2007 08:39 PM (+OCMQ)

51 I just checked and find an entry for blogroll on the sidebar in the includes, but it doesn`t show any of my list.  I am very puzzled.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at June 10, 2007 08:47 PM (+OCMQ)

52 That's odd; it should be created automatically.

But if you create a new template, with a type of "Include" and the name  "Blogroll", then just put the HTML for your blogroll into it, that will work fine.

We don't have a specific blogroll maintenance screen yet, but that is on its way.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 10, 2007 11:25 PM (PiXy!)


The "Frequently Asked Questions" post (just above this one) won't let you (well, it won't let me) comment on it.

I was going to ask a question there; this really isn't the place for it.

Posted by: Some Guy at June 21, 2007 02:18 PM (lPxkl)

54 I am trying to update the blogroll (I tihnk of sushi when I see that word) but the url is http://salamisangwich.mee.nu/www.thebiglead.com, not just www.biglead.com.

What am I doing wrong? I know what hyperlinks look like and I only see the www.biglead.com url in the template.


Posted by: langmick at June 22, 2007 03:09 PM (sf4Oe)

55 Hi langmick! You have to put the "http://" in front of the address, otherwise the system assumes that the url is a file in your directory, and adds the "http://salamisangwich.mee.nu/" to it (so outsiders get a complete address).
So in your case, the address part of the link code should read "http://www.thebiglead.com".

Posted by: Old Grouch at June 22, 2007 05:05 PM (lLq3R)

56 HI i need your help i really want to create my own website/web page but i dont know how to go about doing it so can you please help me out

Posted by: Non Reciprocal at July 04, 2008 09:14 PM (CviuQ)

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