June 15, 2007

Miscellaneous Errors

If the system coughed up a strange error, and you don't know what was wrong or why, post here for assistance.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 07:46 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
Post contains 23 words, total size 1 kb.


Hey, Pixy.  Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but here it goes...

I think the page control is bugging with Google's indexing robot.  I was checking with google and saw a buttload of warnings about pages that don't exist, like http://youredoingitwrong.mee.nu/?page=34.  There's nothing on that page... except a link to page 35.  You might wanna check your logs to see if the google bot isn't raping bandwith, requesting page after page of nothing.

Also, robots.txt.  I implemented it using a template.  I'm not sure if its working, exactly, as if you go to youredoingitwrong.mee.nu/robots.txt it shows as "robots.txt/", and nothing appears in Google's robots tools.  I don't think I can set the directory the file is located in (files/robots.txt) and I don't think I can place any files there directly.  I also contemplated creating a new directory in the root, but I wasn't sure if I'd completely screw everything up doing that.  So I ask you... whah?

Posted by: McGurk at June 27, 2007 06:38 PM (Ri74D)

2 Hmm.  That's a bit weird.  I'll take a look.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 27, 2007 06:55 PM (PiXy!)


Another question...  Sitemaps.  I'm trying to work up one right now.  It'd be nice if there was an auto updating version.  One that listed each directory (update frequency: daily) and one that listed each post (update frequency: weekly).  First one would be updated regularly as its important that posts be indexed frequently.  The second one would be updated less frequently as user added comments are important to index, but less so.  Automatic sitemap generators fail on the blog in general, and that page control that never ends.  I tried to create a page that listed every post (youredoingitwrong.mee.nu/all) but it fails with too many templates requested.  I think it has something to do with [posts unpaged show=all].  Anything other than [posts:here] also causes the error.  I also think that error may hurt any automatic sitemap generator I may create, as each element would be an individual template. 

Just thought you weren't busy enough so I'd give ya something to do...

Posted by: McGurk at June 27, 2007 08:05 PM (Ri74D)

4 Minx doesn't have any facilities for statically generated pages, and I'm not sure I want to add them.  I might be able to do something clever with the cache, though.

I'm surprised you hit the template limit with only 100-odd posts; I'll have to take a look at that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 28, 2007 02:21 AM (PiXy!)

5 How to generate a 500 server error!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py",
line 342, in respond
cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py",
line 15, in __call__
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "Minx.py", line 101, in index
return Page.go(cherrypy)
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Page.py", line 460, in
go Template.go_index(page)
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 2234,
in go_index
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 174,
in do_template
return do_template_text(page,t)
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 237,
in do_template_text
elif ttype=='here':
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 63,
in show_here
return handler(page,opt)
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 528,
in show_entries
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 538,
in show_entry
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 174,
in do_template
return do_template_text(page,t)
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 231,
in do_template_text
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Template.py", line 97,
in show_tag
File "/var/minx/live1.0/Filter.py", line 425, in bbcode
text+=r % op
TypeError: not all arguments converted during
string formatting

In the post text, include a bracketed editorial comment, the first word of which is a bbcode command. In my case it was this post. The comment is in the last paragraph of the first blockquote, and originally read "color and italics in original - o.g." (brackets omitted to avoid nastiness). Apologies for any screwy formatting.

Posted by: Old Grouch at July 15, 2007 01:50 AM (vVSwn)

6 Oops.  I'll fix that today.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 15, 2007 03:20 AM (PiXy!)

7 Let's see: [color and italics in original - o.g.]

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 15, 2007 08:05 AM (PiXy!)

8 Better.  My first attempt caused a different 500 error.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 15, 2007 08:05 AM (PiXy!)

9 More curiously, you seem to be routing to the wrong server.  I wonder why; the DNS was switched over ages ago.

Not a major problem except that at some point I need to take that server offline and reinstall the OS; I'll have to make sure that everyone's getting routed to the new servers first.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 15, 2007 05:46 PM (PiXy!)

10 Oh, and the system now automatically emails me the details of all 500 errors. Please keep posting if you run into one, though, because the system can't tell me what you were doing before you got the error, and that can be important.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 15, 2007 05:48 PM (PiXy!)

11 Will do, thanks!

Posted by: Old Grouch at July 16, 2007 08:10 PM (4St3+)

12 the StarterBanner file that got generated at patbukcman.mee.nu got cut off because the phrase is too long. I am currently putting together a banner file to fix this.

Posted by: PatBuckman at September 29, 2007 12:35 AM (6Q1y7)

13 Yes, I need to adjust the font size based on the length of the name.  Though it's pretty easy to create a new banner...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at September 30, 2007 03:08 AM (PiXy!)

14 It is easy.  I just figured out how to do it while I was figuring out how to switch to the banner file I had gotten by hand editing the original.

Posted by: PatBuckman at September 30, 2007 09:23 PM (6Q1y7)

15 Another anomaly, similar to #5 but this time no 500 server error.

The magic word this time is "quote". Text was (with braces substituted for brackets):
"{quote from the original report by...}".
BBCode interpreted this as invocation of blockquote formatting, then ate the rest of the string to the closing bracket.

Posted by: Old Grouch at October 03, 2007 05:23 PM (k8zOE)

16 Hmm.  Sort of hard to avoid that.  I'll see what  I can think of.

You can turn off BBCode for just that post if you're not using it.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 04, 2007 05:52 AM (PiXy!)

17 Actually 'twas this post, which has NESTED blockquotes(!)
In this case, I fixed it by changing the text to: "Extract from..."
How about testing for "quote]" as opposed to "quote "? (But what do I know?)

Posted by: Old Grouch at October 04, 2007 02:25 PM (R2uPT)

18 Anyone else besides me not seeing any "recent comments" on the main help page?

Posted by: Old Grouch at October 06, 2007 03:10 PM (TTce3)

19 The problem with testing for [quote] rather than [quote is that the quote tag has options, so I can't tell the difference between something that isn't meant to be a quote at all and something that is meant to be a quote except you messed up the options.[quote]Anyone else besides me not seeing any "recent comments" on the main help page?Yep, I noticed that.  Recent Comments actually shows recent comments for that particular area of the site, but it should be showing the last 10 comments regardless of how old they might be.  Obviously that ain't quite working.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 08, 2007 02:16 AM (PiXy!)

20 Huh.  Okay, that didn't quite work right either.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 08, 2007 02:20 AM (PiXy!)

21 Oops, I'd forgotten the quote= option (stupid user, RTFD!).

Not worth spending a lot of time on then, IMO, but perhaps worth including in the FAQs or the BBCode docs ("Why did it do that?" "Strings beginning with '[' get interpreted as BBCode unless the word following the '[' is NOT a valid command.")

Posted by: Old Grouch at October 09, 2007 12:57 AM (5RhlR)

22 Yep, definitely worth a FAQ entry.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 10, 2007 01:39 PM (PiXy!)


I just had some strangeness happen with a spoiler tag. First I clicked to expand the spoiler text in a comment. Then as I started typing in my reply comment, the entry box jumped up then down a couple of lines each time I pressed the spacebar. Then, when I clicked in the entry box to place the cursor somewhere else, it caused the comment entry box to drop down and cover up the Preview and Submit buttons, effectively locking me out of posting the comment (tabbing to the buttons didn't seem to work, they were simply gone). Is this something that's a browser issue (IE7) more than anything Minx is doing?


Posted by: Will at November 08, 2007 11:03 PM (WnBa/)

24 Whenever I hit the manage account link on either the sidebar or the Edit menu it simply kicks me back to the top of the Edit menu page.  I need to set up a sub account to let my brother post on the site but I can't figure out how to do it with out being able to change my account settings.

Posted by: Raging Tachikoma at December 13, 2007 06:20 AM (SQ2eQ)

25 You don't need to change your account to do that, though it shouldn't be behaving like that either.  I'll get that fixed for you.

To set up multiple authors, first get your brother to sign up at mee.nu.  Then go to Friends, and create an Authors group.  Add your brother to the Authors group, and he'll be able to post.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 13, 2007 12:53 PM (PiXy!)


Minor rendering problem -- in the comments to http://evilpundit.mee.nu/galactic_death_ray some links don't show properly with Internet Explorer, though they are fine in Firefox.


Posted by: Evil Pundit at January 10, 2008 07:31 AM (KENEq)


Something you might want to look at.

I was trolling through Wonderducks archives for an old post. I remembered roughly that it was in June. I came across this post first and it mentioned the post I was looking for in a link (the "a few posts back" one).  However, in the switch to Minx, it killed that old numerically indexed link when the post was renamed. For when other mu.nu people start migrateing to Minx, is there a way to keep those old links alive? Having two copies of every old post is wasteful (and would make comments a nightmare), as is wrangling up some code to scrub every old self-referencing link in someone's blog. Seems like a lose-lose-lose situation.


Posted by: Will at January 15, 2008 02:01 AM (E3UGR)

28 Hope someone's watching this in spite of the year's inactivity.  Here goes...

I'm having issues with posts containing blockquotes.  For some reason, once the quote starts the text goes black (I currently have it set to dark blue in the style) and stays that way for the rest of the post.  I tried editing the post and changing the color there, but that just introduced a new wrinkle as the style tags didn't read correctly.  Where every "style color[...]" tag was in the source, in the finished text I got ';">' showing up.  I had to edit out all the "color" code before the junk characters would go away.  Which leaves me with the original problem.

Any help?

Posted by: Steve Miller at January 15, 2009 04:54 AM (DDXAY)

29 Uh, Pixy, we've lost the last two days of posts over at doubleplusundead.mee.nu...plz halp!

Posted by: Alice H at June 03, 2009 08:23 PM (qJHYy)

30 Pixy, I'm re-inventing my blog but keep getting errors when I try to change themes or the banner picture. Here's what I get when I try to change the banner:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 606, in respond
cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py", line 25, in __call__
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "Minx.py", line 158, in default
return go(cherrypy)
File "Minx.py", line 97, in go
return Page.go(cp)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Page.py", line 402, in go
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Form.py", line 3051, in go
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Form.py", line 2602, in form_styleimage
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Photo.py", line 919, in imagemacro
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Photo.py", line 746, in bannerise
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Photo.py", line 615, in ctext
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Photo.py", line 599, in styletext
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Photo.py", line 522, in textshadow
File "/var/minx/live1.1/Photo.py", line 90, in font
IOError: cannot load font (no text renderer)

Posted by: jcallery at July 16, 2009 01:14 AM (zXDLI)

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