April 09, 2007

Wish List

Feel that there's something missing from mee.nu? Something you'd like to see done differently? Just want a pony?

Post here.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 08:22 AM | Comments (48) | Add Comment
Post contains 22 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Okay, you SAID "wish"! :-)

Have been playing with the foobar2000 music player, and admired a feature that might save you a ton of tech-support headaches: Most of foobar's information displays are user-configurable, and every one of the program's configuration boxes includes a "reset" button, which reloads the default code when clicked. That might be really handy on the template configuration screens... especially for any of us who might screw things up beyond hope of figuring it out.
Just a thought...

Posted by: Old Grouch at April 11, 2007 12:24 AM (8vPcQ)

2 Being able to embed more than just youtube clips.  The one site I enjoy going to is Heep:  http://www.heep.co.il/heep/home

I would like to be able to add some of those clips to the blog here.

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at April 11, 2007 01:05 AM (aCDwb)

3 To pick up on my request for the link editor, I would also like to be able to set defaults, for example my images I always like the 3px frame border and it would be nice not to select it everytime.

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 02:35 AM (YsCnY)

Most of foobar's information displays are user-configurable, and every one of the program's configuration boxes includes a "reset" button, which reloads the default code when clicked. That might be really handy on the template configuration screens... especially for any of us who might screw things up beyond hope of figuring it out.
A reset-to-default button is definitely a good idea.  With some of the more advanced templates, you could potentially break the edit screens too, so you need some way of resetting to something you know works.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 03:50 AM (PiXy!)

Being able to embed more than just youtube clips.  The one site I enjoy going to is Heep:  http://www.heep.co.il/heep/home
Will do.

If there are sites that people use content from or link to frequently, I can certainly put in tags like  the [youtube] tag for them.  For example, there's a [wikipedia] or [wp] tag: [wp=Youtube] does this: Youtube.

I know of many of the big sites, but it would be great if people would mention their personal favourites here.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 03:52 AM (PiXy!)

To pick up on my request for the link editor, I would also like to be able to set defaults, for example my images I always like the 3px frame border and it would be nice not to select it everytime.
That's a very good idea, but I'm not sure how to do it.  The editor is (as someone guessed) a 3rd-party product; I'll take a look at the documentation. (It has developer docs, but unfortunately, not really any user docs.)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 03:54 AM (PiXy!)

7 Great.While you are poking around in there it'd also be nice to add a hot-link line in the editor to make images clickable to a website. (If you send me the dev docs I can take a look at work.)

As for adding to the [youtube] and [wiki] tags, I think google (plus other search engines) and dictionary (plus other word look-ups) would be good, plus other video services like yahoo, liveleak, etc.

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 12:54 PM (YsCnY)

While you are poking around in there it'd also be nice to add a hot-link line in the editor to make images clickable to a website. (If you send me the dev docs I can take a look at work.)
Well, after putting an image in your post, you can click on the link button to link it to somewhere.  But yeah, a field for that in the popup would be nice.

As for adding to the [youtube] and [wiki] tags, I think google (plus other search engines) and dictionary (plus other word look-ups) would be good, plus other video services like yahoo, liveleak, etc.
Yep.  Google, Wiktionary, Yahoo and Google video, were already on the list.  I hadn't heard of Liveleak when I made the original list, but they've been popping up a lot lately.  I have about 40 sites on the list now; it will probably end up being something like 400 by the end of the year...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 02:32 PM (PiXy!)


1)  Make Mail: optional for posts.  I'm tired of entering one fake email address after another (does anybody put in a real address???).

2) Preview your posts before submitting them.  Includes comments, too.

3) The smiley template is fun.  I've removed all smileys and replaced them with rude comments about the smiley user by using the template.  I'd like to be able to create a template which basically does the same thing--examines comment text and replaces instances of A with B -- but not have to use the smiley template to do this.  It would match the exact format of the smiley template, being "[look for] [replace with]".  I'd also like the ability to use a regular expression for the text match.  Be real easy to implement some language filters this way... and to treat commenters like dirt, which is always fun.

4) Make updating comments easier with a [update] tag.  This tag would be replaced with the "Update" template.  The template would contain, by default, "<b>Updated on [datetimewhatever]</b></br>" or something similar.  That way when you need to update a post you can just slap that update tag in there and roll.

5) Gimme that tag ([post.whatever]) documentation! 

Posted by: McGurk at April 11, 2007 05:11 PM (Ri74D)

Make Mail: optional for posts.  I'm tired of entering one fake email address after another (does anybody put in a real address???)
If you're logged in, you don't actually need to enter an email address.  If you put an email address in your profile page - real, obfuscated, or fake - that will automatically show up in the comment form.
Preview your posts before submitting them.  Includes comments, too.
Working on it!
I'd like to be able to create a template which basically does the same thing--examines comment text and replaces instances of A with B -- but not have to use the smiley template to do this.
Yep!  This feature is built into the system, but needs a bit more testing before it goes live.
I'd also like the ability to use a regular expression for the text match.
I'll probably be adding this at some point, but regular expressions are a bit of an overkill for the average user.
Make updating comments easier with a [update] tag.  This tag would be replaced with the "Update" template.  The template would contain, by default, "<b>Updated on [datetimewhatever]</b></br>" or something similar.  That way when you need to update a post you can just slap that update tag in there and roll.
That's a great idea!  I'll add that to the list.
Gimme that tag ([post.whatever]) documentation!
Will do.  I had to concentrate on making the system stable - we hit two fairly nasty bugs on the first day of the full-scale beta - but that seems to be under control now, so documentation is a top priority.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 05:45 PM (PiXy!)


Here's something for the "wishlist."

A link on the mee.nu home page to a full list of the mee.nu blogs. With new people signing up for the beta left and right, it's been hard to peek in on the neighbors and see what kinds of cool experiments and errors are going on with only the New Sites list.

Posted by: Will at April 11, 2007 06:12 PM (SOx9v)

12 Yep.  I'll do that.

One thing worth noting there:  If you tick the Hidden box on your Manage->Site page, your site won't show up in listings.  That's useful if you... don't want to show up on listings.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 06:39 PM (PiXy!)


How about an autobackup feature when writing new posts? Nothing worse than spending an hour on something and having it lost forever due to a glitch. (Yes the Save button is nice and useful but still.)

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 07:03 PM (FJ/ua)

14 Yep, that's something I intend to do.  It needs to be a nice, reliable AJAX implementation, though, so that it never bothers you while you're typing.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 07:16 PM (PiXy!)

15 Ditto on the full list of the mee.nu blogs, I figure Ace is out here somewhere and I want to tell him he's teh ghey on his new blog.

Posted by: ElChupacabra at April 11, 2007 07:42 PM (Q5fOm)

Here's something for the "wishlist."A link on the mee.nu home page to a full list of the mee.nu blogs.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 07:42 PM (PiXy!)

I figure Ace is out here somewhere and I want to tell him he's teh ghey on his new blog.
Actually, the mu.nu bloggers have their own play area

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 07:45 PM (PiXy!)


Okay then, how about a time-delay Publish feature where you can tell the program to put up a post at 'hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yy' so we can have new stuff show up while on vacation or we can binge write a batch of posts and have them show up at a leisurely pace. 

And spell-check!

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 07:46 PM (FJ/ua)

19 Time delay is definitely going in, and fairly soon.

Spell-check I haven't made any plans for as yet.  If you use Firefox, the built-in spell-checker works right in the editor.  I believe there are plugins for IE to do the same.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 11, 2007 08:07 PM (PiXy!)

20 Cool. Something I've noticed in this thread, when I click Add Comment I'm back at the top of the page and I have to scroll down to the Comment box. Obviously it would be nice to have the browser come to the window ready for typing.

Posted by: abwtf at April 11, 2007 11:30 PM (FJ/ua)

21 If I'm going to be uploading large files, is there a place that will show me how much of my allotment I've used up, or is that going to be part of the "Statistics" tools still under construction in the Main Menu?

Posted by: Will at April 12, 2007 01:50 AM (olS40)

Cool. Something I've noticed in this thread, when I click Add Comment I'm back at the top of the page and I have to scroll down to the Comment box. Obviously it would be nice to have the browser come to the window ready for typing.
Really?  That should be fixed now. Let me try...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 01:57 AM (PiXy!)

23 It works for me; at least in this thread.  There's an issue if the thread has unmoderated spam in it - the system gets confused about which is the last comment number.

But other than that, it should work.  Is it coming back with an URL that has #c23 (or something similar) on the end?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 01:59 AM (PiXy!)

If I'm going to be uploading large files, is there a place that will show me how much of my allotment I've used up, or is that going to be part of the "Statistics" tools still under construction in the Main Menu?
Yeah, that will show up soon, but isn't there yet - so I'm not enforcing the limit yet either. But don't tell anyone!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 02:04 AM (PiXy!)

25 Well I did upload a second omake. This time it timed out, but still looks like it came through intact. I'll put up a direct link and see how it goes.

Posted by: Will at April 12, 2007 03:27 AM (olS40)

26 I'd like to use my own CSS stylesheet, but I'd have to upload it every time I made a minor change in it.  Can we pls open files and edit them in the browser, kinda like the template editor (although, honestly, it sucks for selecting text)?

Posted by: McGurk at April 12, 2007 05:18 PM (Ri74D)

27 Will do.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2007 05:52 PM (PiXy!)

Being able to embed more than just youtube clips.  The one site I enjoy going to is Heep:  http://www.heep.co.il/heep/home
I went there, but as far as I can tell the entire site is in Hebrew, which makes it tricky.  I have something that I think will do the trick; I've included it in tomorrow's update and we'll see how it goes.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 15, 2007 06:04 PM (PiXy!)

29 Could you pls give us the Form.Comment template?

Posted by: McGurk at April 16, 2007 01:19 PM (Ri74D)

30 Will do.  There's a certain amount of complexity to the standard comment template, but I'll post the simple version.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 01:31 PM (PiXy!)

31 I can see you're doing something; the fonts on my comment page have all jumped up 100% in size...

Posted by: McGurk at April 16, 2007 01:45 PM (Ri74D)

32 Actually, fonts on Page.Entry are now at 125%...

Posted by: McGurk at April 16, 2007 01:49 PM (Ri74D)

33 That wasn't me.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 02:11 PM (PiXy!)

34 And it looks fine to me.  Um.  Browser issue?  Something?

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 16, 2007 02:15 PM (PiXy!)

35 How about a thread here at this page for tips and tricks we can share with each other.

For example, I just realized that by putting the code for my site counter in between [ifn user.isowner] and [/ifn] means that when I look at my site the button doesn't show and it doesn't register as a hit so now it should only catch other people visiting.

That may be obvious to experienced bloggers or a standard tip somewhere in user guides for site counters, but for n00bs like myself it's pretty clever. I think.

Posted by: abwtf at April 17, 2007 07:21 PM (YsCnY)

36 Pix, do a shift-refresh on my comments page and see...  I'll check my css file for any errors...

Posted by: McGurk at April 17, 2007 07:34 PM (Ri74D)

How about a thread here at this page for tips and tricks we can share with each other.
Great idea.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 17, 2007 10:49 PM (PiXy!)

38 Will there be an upgrade for the [magic.pager]? For example an option to jump to end/beginning and configurations where perhaps if you have 20 pages you could either list all 20 or have 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 or have 1, <current-1>, <current>, <current+1>, 20, etc

Also I notice it doesn't see an end-of-line so you can go to a blank page 50 even if there are only 20.

Posted by: abwtf at April 18, 2007 05:17 AM (YsCnY)

Will there be an upgrade for the [magic.pager]?
Yes, absolutely.  I've started work on this, but the new version isn't working yet.

I'm having to make some tweaks first so that it can work out what parts of the page content are and aren't being paged.  Then feed it information on how many items in the paging set there are so it can work out how many pages there are, then it can stop you going off the end, offer a drop-down box for quick page selection, etc etc.

The idea of offering a basic pager widget to start with was so that if everyone uses it (rather than using tags to create their own) then as soon as I upgrade it, everyone gets the advantage of the new one.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 18, 2007 07:27 AM (PiXy!)

40 There's an option for Friends on the Edit page, does that mean that in our Menu bar at the top (or somewhere) there will be a page where we can view... oh the last 20 new posts from various friends?  That way we don't necessarily have to click through all of the blogs we follow.

And when are the rest of the features going to be active?  I'm excited about more stuff to play with!
yay Pixy!

Posted by: Mookie at April 22, 2007 03:45 AM (+OVgL)

There's an option for Friends on the Edit page, does that mean that in our Menu bar at the top (or somewhere) there will be a page where we can view... oh the last 20 new posts from various friends?
Yep, that sort of thing.  I'm going to be concentrating on friends functions (and forums) next week.
And when are the rest of the features going to be active?  I'm excited about more stuff to play with!
I have a big update going in tomorrow, and then friends and forums next week, and then... more stuff.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 22, 2007 05:58 AM (PiXy!)


Tell me if I'm just missing it, but here's what I'd kinda like to see...

An options box or menu for editing color layouts and other cosmetic things. Everyone's blog is white with gray borders. I demand pearl with granite borders!

Posted by: Hosh at April 26, 2007 03:52 PM (BXpVN)


I suppose I'm technical enough to fiddle with the css file, but if someone else could work real hard to let me be lazier that would be great.

Posted by: Hosh at April 26, 2007 03:58 PM (BXpVN)

44 Yep.  I'm planning to do that - create a set of options that automatically slot into the CSS so that you don't have to edit the file for simple changes.

That should happen in the next couple of weeks.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 26, 2007 06:30 PM (PiXy!)


I'm a bit fuzzy on how this all works, in part because my CSS-fu is very weak. But it looks to me as if the "Entry" template applies equally to the main page and to the pages for individual posts.

What I want to do is to have a different format for each. In particular, I want to get rid of the sidebar for individual posts so I can use the full pagewidth (for images).

Solution 1 would be if there actually was a different template for each, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Solution 2 would be if there was some sort of flag which could be used with "if" in the "Entry" template that indicated which was being displayed, and thus to include the sidebar only for the main page.

Does such a flag exist? If so, what is its name?

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at May 18, 2007 04:56 AM (+rSRq)

46 Never mind, I figured it out. (And yes, it's two separate files.)

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at May 18, 2007 06:05 AM (+rSRq)


Hmmm, is this thread dead and I should comment somewhere else or send an email? I guess I'll test:

When I went today to New Post and also Edit there was a considerable delay for the page to load, 10 seconds or more from what used to be instant. Any reason?

Also a request - I would like to have a Save button up at the top of the New Post editor screen instead of having to scroll all the way past the Meta and More and Tags and the rest to the bottom of the page.

Posted by: abwtf at October 11, 2007 10:41 PM (FJ/ua)

When I went today to New Post and also Edit there was a considerable delay for the page to load, 10 seconds or more from what used to be instant. Any reason?
Hmm.  Might have been network delays somewhere between you and the server.  I'm not seeing any slowdown on the server side.  But definitely let me know if you see this again.
I would like to have a Save button up at the top of the New Post editor screen instead of having to scroll all the way past the Meta and More and Tags and the rest to the bottom of the page.

See that button at the top left in each editor?  Is save button!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 14, 2007 12:49 AM (PiXy!)

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